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What are the precautions for using makeup remover wipes?

Update:14 Dec
Makeup remover wipes are favored by lazy beauties because of their convenience and ease of use. However, it is not without harm.
1. Makeup remover wipes omit the step of rinsing with water, but still leave a little dirt on the skin.
2. If the active cleaning ingredients, high-concentration solvents, surfactants and emulsifying residues in the makeup remover wipes are not thoroughly washed away, the skin may be irritated. These residual ingredients are especially suitable for people with dry and sensitive skin. Stimulate. Some makeup remover wipes that contain alcohol may also cause stinging. The special packaging of makeup remover wipes needs to add preservatives to extend the shelf life, so the skin may also be attacked by chemicals such as formaldehyde. In addition, we use makeup remover wipes with a wiping action, compared with washing our face with water, the friction surface with the face is larger, and it is more likely to irritate the skin.
3. Makeup remover wipes can be used as an emergency in occasions where time is tight or conditions are limited (such as travel, camping or gym, etc.). For people with oily skin or acne-prone skin, it is even more necessary when there is no water. People with eczema and rosacea should avoid using makeup remover wipes to avoid aggravating symptoms due to irritation.
4. When using makeup remover wipes, you must follow the following 5 simple rules:
Immediately after removing makeup with cleansing wipes, rinse your face with water to remove any residue that can irritate your skin.
Avoid using makeup remover wipes around the eyes and lips, which are sensitive.
If you have dry or combination skin, apply moisturizer immediately after using the wipes.
Check product ingredients and watch out for chemicals like formaldehyde that are used as preservatives. Those wipes that contain phenoxyethanol are safe to use.
Steer clear of wipes that contain perfumes and fragrances, which can cause additional irritation.